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ACI FMA Tanzania

Formed in 2002, ACI FMA Tanzania is the standard bearer for financial markets professionals in Tanzania. ACI FMA Tanzania is affiliated with ACI – Financial Markets Association, a Paris – based global umbrella body of financial markets associations, is a non-profit making association founded in the interests of the financial markets dealing profession which is essentially international.  ACI FMA Tanzania abides by the Tanzanian laws and regulations, and the FX Global Code of conduct recognized by the ACI – The Financial Markets Association. The ACI FMA is the largest trade association in the global financial markets with over 13,000 members in 60 countries.

The aims of ACI FMA Tanzania are:

Board Members

Nsajigwa Kasyanju
Nsajigwa Kasyanju


Rahim Suleiman


Moses Kawiche


Doreen Mitimingi


Linda Minde

CHAIRPERSON – Education Committee

Baraka Mselemu

Education Committee

Hemant Sharma

Education Committee

Fredrick Riziki

CHAIRPERSON – Market Conduct & Development Committee

Afsaar Adam

Market Conduct & Development Committee

Rodgers Timothy

Market Conduct & Development Committee

Tumaini Kamna

CHAIRPERSON – Social Committee

Fredrick Nemes

Social Committee

Salma Barkat

Social Committee


Global wholesale financial markets are dynamic and fast changing and these conditions demand highly qualified people with wide-ranging market skills and knowledge. ACI’s Education Programme provides globally acknowledged, portable, professional qualifications that enhance career prospects, improve job performance and set benchmarks within the industry. ACI FMA communicates regularly with a wide range of national Regulators on the education and training of market participants. ACI FMA also works closely with regulatory bodies in a number of countries to ensure that market standards, ACI FMA examinations and regulatory requirements all find common ground.

FX Global Code

The Code provides unparalleled opportunity for professionals to understand how to conduct themselves in the wholesale financial markets, and is part of the evolution towards the new global standards being developed by the BIS Single FX Code and the FICC Market Standards Board, for global adherence. We are proud to endorse this work and to have formed part of its history.

The FX Global Code is officially endorsed by the FX Committees, central bankers and regulators in over 15 countries, with active participation in its maintenance by all sides of the industry via our Committee for Professionalism. As the wholesale market evolves, the ACI has been part of the leadership team, supporting the industry to adhere to Codes of Conduct, through active engagement, and the multi-dimensional ELAC Portal.

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